Transfer learning
Bioacoustics researchers often tend to employ transfer learning approaches, using models that were pre-trained on other data (e.g., images). Such approaches are sometimes useful when training datasets are small. Using transfer learning in a Koogu workflow simply involves ‘plugging in’ a pre-trained model in an implementation of the abstract class koogu.model.architectures.BaseArchitecture
The below example implements BaseArchitecture
, by defining build_network()
to incorporate a publicly available pre-trained MobileNetV2 whose weights were trained using the large ImageNet dataset. You may choose to use a different pre-trained model from here or from other sources. Often, these pre-trained models have specific expectations with respect to input shapes, types, etc.
Assuming a data pipeline similar to the example in Quick-start guide (which uses SpectralDataFeeder
), the 1-channel spectrograms generated by the feeder must be converted to a 3-channel RGB image using a suitable colorscale (and resized) before they become inputs to the pre-trained model. We use Spec2Img
for this purpose. The pre-trained model will be used as a “feature extractor”, and a classification layer will be added. The “training” of the full model will only update weights of the added classification layer.
import tensorflow as tf
from import Spec2Img
from koogu.model.architectures import BaseArchitecture
from matplotlib import cm
class MyTransferModel(BaseArchitecture):
def build_network(self, input_tensor, is_training, **kwargs):
# Many of the available pre-trained models expect inputs to be of a
# particular size. The `input_tensor` may not already be in that shape,
# depending on the chosen data preparation parameters (e.g., with
# We need to resize the images to
# match the input shape of the pre-trained model.
# MobileNetV2 defaults to an input size of 224x224, and also supports a
# few other sizes. 160x160 is a supported size, and we use that in this
# example.
target_img_size = (160, 160)
# Choose your favourite colorscale from matplotlib or other sources.
my_cmap = cm.get_cmap('jet')(range(256))
# `my_cmap` will be a 256 element array of RGB color values from the
# "Jet" colorscale.
# First, need to convert input spectrograms to equivalent RGB images.
# Spec2Img will convert 1-channel spectrograms to 3-channel RGB images
# (with values in the range [0.0, 1.0]) and resize them as desired.
to_image = Spec2Img(my_cmap, img_size=target_img_size)
# The pre-trained MobileNetV2 expects RGB values to be scaled to the
# range [-1.0, 1.0].
rescale = tf.keras.layers.Rescaling(2.0, offset=-1.0)
# NOTE: `Rescaling` was added in TensorFlow v2.6.0. If you use an older
# version, you can implement this operation by simply multiplying
# the output of to_image() by 2.0 and then subtracting 1.0.
# Load the pre-trained MobileNetV2 model with ImageNet weights, and
# without the trailing fully-connected layer.
pretrained_cnn = tf.keras.applications.MobileNetV2(
input_shape=target_img_size + (3, ), # Include RGB dimension
pretrained_cnn.trainable = False # Freeze CNN weights
# Pooling layer
global_average_layer = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D()
# Put them all together now.
# NOTE: The "training=False" parameter to `pretrained_cnn` is required
# to ensure that BatchNorm layers in the model operate in
# inference mode (for more details, see TensorFlow's webpage on
# transfer learning).
output = to_image(input_tensor)
output = rescale(output)
output = pretrained_cnn(output, training=False)
output = global_average_layer(output)
# NOTE: Do not add the classification layer. It will be added by Koogu's
# internal code.
return output
With an architecture defined this way, you can simply replace the following code block in step 2 of the Quick-start guide
71model = architectures.DenseNet(
72 [4, 4, 4], # 3 dense-blocks, 4 layers each
73 preproc=[ ('Conv2D', {'filters': 16}) ], # Add a 16-filter pre-conv layer
74 dense_layers=[32] # End with a 32-node dense layer
… with this -
model = MyTransferModel()
That’s it! The remainder of the Koogu workflow described in the Quick-start guide will now employ transfer learning.